Consultation, Engagement & Involvement

TEC Partnership endeavours to consult annually with all new students and adopt a quadrennial consultation process with all staff.

The overall aim of any consultation primarily being to ensure that there are no organisational and cultural inhibitors that may impact on the day-to-day activities of students and staff, whilst a member of the Partnership’s communities.

Any consultation with students will aim to:

Any consultation with staff will aim to:

Wherever reasonable and practical to assess service delivery and student participation the TEC Partnership will seek to assess the degree of support provided to staff as employees of the organisation and identify what support, training they require. Where appropriate staff will be supported in effectively delivering services to all students.
Involvement and engagement with students and staff is an ongoing commitment that the Partnership wishes to undertake with all staff and students in activities that raise their awareness and understanding of Equality, Diversity and Human Rights issues.

Engagement and involvement will be undertaken initially by two key mechanisms:

Set appropriate Equality Targets and Actions

The TEC Partnership is completely committed to its equality duties as defined by law. Thus far much activity has been conducted in an informal manner and the Institute is seeking to formalise practice and formalise a series of diversity and equality related actions and benchmark the service it provides, to students, staff and other stakeholders such as the wider public in relation to enquiries relating to recruitment and entry into the Institute for education attainment and admissions.
A refreshed and formalised action plans with quality objectives will allow all to monitor progress of and equality priorities, evidence the degree of activity being undertaken, ensure unlawful discrimination in all its forms is spotted early and as such allowing a proactive as opposed to a reactive approach to elimination of discriminatory practices and practices that disadvantage specific groups. The action plan will provide accountability and a mechanism for accountability.

The TEC Partnership will have two key areas of focused activity:

The TEC Partnership will collectively formulate and agree an ongoing quadrennial Equality Action Plan which is currently in the process of being developed, with the overall aim being to:

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